Sa totoo lang HINDING HINDI mo magagawa ang lahat.

Imposible yun!

Wag na wag mong sasabihin na nagawa mo na lahat!

Kasi kahit yung mga taong super successful na, ay hindi magagawa ang lahat.

Kung titignan mo, yung mga super successful na mga tao nga ang hindi humihinto sa paggawa ng aksyon.

Si Henry Sy, Nung naitayo nya ba yung Mega Mall… huminto na sya?


Nagpagawa pa ng Mall Of Asia!

Baka kasunod nyan Mall of World OR Mall Of Universe na! 😀

Wag na wag mong sasabihin na nagawa mo na lahat, kasi ‘pag sinabi mo yun, parang sinabi mo na nahinga mo na lahat ng hangin na kaylangan mo at hindi mo na kaylangang huminga.

Parang sinabi mo na nakain mo na lahat ng pagkain na makakain mo at hindi mo na kaylangan kumain ulit.

Pag ginawa mo yun mamamatay ka.

Parang sa business mo, kapag sinabi mo na nagawa mo na lahat mamamatay rin ang business mo.

Kaya WAG NA WAG mong sasabihin na nagawa mo na ang lahat.

Wala ring sikreto!

Mga bagay lang na hindi po pa nalalaman O hindi mo pa lubos na nauunawaan.

Keep on learning lang kapatid.

Apply everything you’ve learned from our training.

It’s OK to make mistakes.

Learn from your own experience.

Always improve.

Don’t stop until you achieve what you want.

Again there are No Secrets!

Mga bagay lang na hindi mo pa nalalaman o lubos na nauunawaan.

Pero lahat ay kayang matutunan at lahat ay kayang ma-achieve.

More Power and keep on taking massive actions.

Bukas I will read new books kasi hindi ko pa nalalaman ang lahat at hindi ko pa nauunawaan ang lahat.

Bukas hahataw ako.. Gagawa ako ng massive action kasi hindi ko pa nagagawa ang lahat at kahit kaylan hindi ko magagawa ang lahat.

There are always room for improvement.

There are always greater achievements to make.

Positive Vibes, Positive Attitude, Positive Results!

Start Making A Difference In Your Life  –

About phoebeselva

I'm Phoebe Selva, completed Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management in Pasig. It is said that two things that bring contentment in life - "Love and Work". When I was a child I did a lot of homework, housework, and work-yard especially those times of living in the Province of Marinduque. My parents prepared me at younger age to do household chores even I am the only youngest daughter. my Father and my Mother need to go far away to look for money to support our schooling. We have no choice than to accept the situation and we stayed in the house of our grandparents who cared and taught us to become independent. They reminded us always that we need to work especially doing household chores to take care of yourself. It is shows we are matured enough to take responsibility. In short, they already prepared me for real working world outside. I have limited time playing but despite of that, I'm friendly. I am kind of person whom can easily put your trust on. The meaning of my name "Phoebe" is the Shining one. "Why Need to Work?" and "The Decision to Work" This is the question guide always in my mind, to work or not to work? At the age of 18 years old, I've got my first job in Blue Onion Bar and Restaurant at Eastwood Libis,Q.C and my second job in Crepes and Cream, an Ajinochinmi Co.Inc. way back 2005, related to my associate course Hotel and Restaurant. Since then I started my career in 3 different Restaurant Companies, acquiring of lot employment experience without savings. This pursue me to work and work and work more harder as the breadwinner of the family just to survive the economic crisis of living. In the year 2006, my mother was worstly illed ( diagnosed of hormonal imbalance due to infection and cyst ) May 2007, she past away at the age of 59. My two brothers and I was so upset and depressed. I joined DXN International Company last October 11, 2010 focusing on the Health benefits of the products as an alternative supplementation for my father. My father had a serious complication like High Blood sugar test and High Cholesterol level, the doctor also advised to get confined in hospital for proper treatment and monitoring of his illness. I was stressfully frightened because my mother died at the age of 59 and I can't afford to lose my father at that moment. Fortunately, I want to express my gratitude to the Lord for guiding me to DXN as the Best Solution. God answered our prayer for my father's survival and become healthy again through the instrument of Dxn Products. The doctor was even surprised with such improvement and perceived positive signs of soon recovery from diabetes. As prescribed, the supplementation of Dxn products would be helpful other than the regular intake of medicine. For several trainings and seminar I've attended in DXN, it was not an accident to open the opportunity to become an "Entrepreneur", to be one of the people who runs a business by themselves. I discover that Dxn is a kind of Helping Business. "Be open to a world of possibilities," "I knew from the start that there was something good about DXN MLM business. It resonated with me deep down in my soul . I enjoy teaching, but I have also love the challenges of creating a business for myself, which allows me to have a more independent and flexible lifestyle. To love others, you must first feel love for yourself. I do believe that the greatest love of all is to love God. Because LOVE is the essence of God's character. That loved is in me right now serves as my mission to continue to share and promote the good benefits of DXN Comp. throughout the world. This is my deepest passion in helping other lives too, who suffered financial crisis and Health problems. and I love to help other become more successful in their own lives. Thank you for reading my short story of my life. For more information and others details about Health Testimonial you can visit my blog anytime you want
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